April 2, 2019
Jacquelyn took the risk test and also shared it with her sister. They discovered that both of them were at risk for type 2 diabetes so they both asked their doctors for A1C tests. The class had been recommended to Jacqueline by a former participant who had great success and lost over 50 pounds resulting in her being taken off medication for cholesterol, hypertension as well as her metformin. The sisters began a good natured competition to increase their physical activity minutes each week and lost more weight at each weigh-in. Together they lost a combined weight of nearly 100 lbs. Jacquelyn lost 46 pounds during the year-long class and continues to lose even a year after leaving the class ended. She reported that her A1C has dropped below 5.4. She is more active than ever, feels much more energetic and is holding down two jobs. She is pleased to get back into clothing she hasn’t been able to wear for more than five years.