April 2, 2019

Prior to joining Change Your Lifestyle. Change Your Life., I had a history of gestational diabetes and also my mom had diabetes. The fact that it was offered at work and I have been on a health journey myself, the program was perfect. One of my favorite things about the program is the group setting and support system that evolves from sharing common goals as well struggles. The camaraderie with coworkers, who are looking to change their lifestyle, has been great. The group has helped me get over a few roadblocks such my own weight loss journey. Then I hit a plateau, but this class is helping me get over the hurdle. I’ve lost 70lbs. So it has been very motivating. We lift one another up when needed and provide positive support and or suggestions. Some of us have similar experiences and we are able to work through them together and that’s been helpful. We were a group of strangers, who convened together for a common goal to change our lifestyles and lives to prevent type 2 diabetes. We share information that we come across like recipes or new ways to prepare foods we share with each other. Everyone pitches in and provides their input, I really enjoy it. Having it in the work place has been great!