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Black Women’s Health and the 2024 Election: A Call to Action

Black Women Vote
As we approach the 2024 election, the stakes couldn’t be higher. This year has already been marked by harmful federal and state policies and Supreme Court decisions that affect our health, autonomy, safety, and even the foundations of our democracy. The challenges we face as a community—especially the recent attacks on reproductive freedoms—underscore the need for transformative leadership. The limitations placed on abortion access, family planning services like in vitro fertilization (IVF), maternal care, rural healthcare and more have disproportionately harmed Black women, worsening existing health disparities. We must vote like our lives depend on it—because they do.

At the Black Women’s Health Imperative (BWHI), we are committed to addressing these urgent issues through innovative programs, research, policy, and advocacy that promote the health and wellness of Black women and girls. To support our community during this crucial election season, we are proud to present the Black Women Vote 2024 Health Policy Voters Guide.

This guide provides a clear framework for understanding the pressing issues in this year’s election that will directly impact the health and well-being of Black women. It is organized into five pillars:

Pillar I:

Access to Quality and Affordable Health Care

Pillar 2:

Healthy Families and Children First

Pillar 3:

Equitable Governance and Relationships

Pillar 4:

Employment/Education Justice and Equity

Pillar 5:

Technology Access and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

It’s important to remember that since the 2020 election, more than 400 bills have been introduced in nearly every state, aiming to restrict voting access, particularly in communities of color. Our fundamental rights to health, the right to vote, and our ability to care for our families are at risk. This election is our opportunity to elect leaders who will defend our reproductive rights, healthcare access, and economic stability.

That’s why we must ensure our voices are heard at the ballot box. The leaders we elect will navigate these complex issues on our behalf, and our vote can make a significant difference.

We encourage you to use the Black Women Vote 2024 Health Policy Voters Guide to stay informed about the policies and issues that deeply affect our lives. We are in the fight of our lives, and your vote matters. Together, we can work towards a future where all Black women enjoy optimal health in a society that promotes health equity and social justice.

Your vote is your power—use it wisely.

Download the Voter Guide
Download the Voter Checklist